
【2016年4月16日発生の熊本地震本震に伴う、阿蘇ジオパークエリア状況】【Situation of Aso Geopark after the second earthquake on 16 April, 2016 at 1:25 am】






公式フェイスブック https://www.facebook.com/AsoGeopark/

【Situation of Aso Geopark after the second earthquake on 16 April, 2016 at 1:25 am】

We would like to extend our sincere condolence everyone who was affected by the Kumamoto Earthquake.

The second earthquake hit severely some part of Aso Geopark area. We are rushing lifesaving rescue work by SDF. Many people in the area evacuate in shelters or their own cars against continuous aftershocks. Some areas still have no water, electricity neither gas. Lack of water, food and sanitation tend to be visible.

Aso Geopark Promotion Council at Aso Volcano Museum on the top of Mt. Aso, has been severely damaged. Roads to the museum has been blocked due to breaks and rock fall.
Therefore, our council and the museum will be closed till it become repaired.

We apology for cancellation of all arranged geo-tourism or related events after the sequence on 16. We will updates our situation through this site or our official facebook page;https://www.facebook.com/AsoGeopark/

Aftershock still hits Aso area. Please take extra precaution and follow disaster information provided by the government or reliable related sources.

Keep in touch and Aso Geopark will back again with full of joy and smile!