
大観峰クリーンウォーキング Clean activity in Daikanbo Geosite

5月29日(木)10:00-12:00 大観峰にてクリーンウォーキングを開催します!




【申込・お問合せ】阿蘇ジオパークガイド協会/阿蘇ジオパーク推進協議会事務局 TEL:0967-34-2089 メール:info@aso-geopark.jp

Join our clean activity at Daikanbo geosite on 29 May!

Clean activity hosted by Aso Geopark Guides Association.

To conserve our geological heritages and maintain trekking routes for visitors, we carry out cleaning such as picking up rubbish and cutting grass and branches.

It is open to all, geoguides tell you an amazing geostory while cleaning the site. Be friend with “GEO”!

Date:Thursday 29 May
Venue:Daikanbo Caldera Geosite http://www.aso-geopark.jp.e.ed.hp.transer.com/geosites/geosite01.html

Bring with you....towels,gloves, drink and boots
Free event but advance booking is necessary!

Call us on 0967-34-2089 or Email to info@aso-geopark.jp